Planting the Seeds of Faith & Fate
Your life isn't for nothing - everything you do is for something. I remember weeks before Dad passed, he said to the social worker, "Ya can't believe it - it was like yesta'day when I was out working two jobs makin' money and enjoying life, n' just like dat - (as he snaps his fingers) - it's ova'!" She looked at him and said, "But look what you did, Charlie? Look at all your accomplishments. Look at all the families enjoying their backyards because you laid the foundations for them. Look at all the people who enjoyed a good meal because you ran a fish market. You made a huge difference and you're still making a difference today." Life can seem grim and hopeless, especially when everything you've worked so hard on is initially over. But when you truly think about it -- is it over? Have you left something behind that people can still look back upon? Have you planted seeds that people are still appreciating? Even good advice is a seed planted. Being an inspiration to someone is a seed planted. All these seeds can grow into a much larger gift, and although you may not see that gift grow into full bloom - it was because of you - it was your doing.
For years I was getting discouraged with my writing. As most freelance entrepreneurs hope to have their dreams fulfilled, mine was taking a very long time and still, I try to pursue some sort of 'greatness' that seems to crumble at my feet often enough. But I still try and plug away. I remember one of my most discouraging days when I just almost gave up. I was even thinking about taking my book off the shelves, (or online) and simply deleting my entire website. Deleting "me" even. I then received an email from someone who had purchased my book, however never even had read anything in my blog. She thanked me for saving her life. Her life?? I'll never forget it. She was going through a terrible time with her breakup and was going to start up her car in the garage...with the doors closed. She instead, picked up my book and started reading. She said she never put the book down and also, never started up the car in the garage. I was so happy to hear that something I had written had made a huge impact on someone else's life. My book wasn't supposed to "save lives", it was just sharing what I had gone through. But still - the seed was planted, and gratefully, she is here today happy in her marriage with the person she was supposed to be with. My hope in my writing was saved as well. Even if it helped one or two people, I still made a difference. And with that, I can't even take credit because for me -- it was God making a difference. He was the one working through me in order to finish that book. Every ounce of inspiration poured into each chapter was Him...not me. I only told the story.
There are many people who believe in quantum physics or how things happen for a reason, as well as pure coincidences (which someone brought up to me in a previous comment section). That's all up for interpretation and whatnot, and can easily be debated. Just as someone who is going through a breakup can say, "Well, we went through that for a reason - I was supposed to meet that person in the big scheme of things," while other people can tell you, "What a huge mistake!" Even if the "mistake" and bad experience happened, wouldn't you also think about the learning experience behind it? And perhaps even think about what you don't want in your next relationship? "Jack" was married for twenty-five years, had three kids and then eventually divorced due to his wife's infidelity, leaving him to only enjoy weekends with his kids. "Why did God do this to me?" Some blame God, or that God is somehow punishing them. Some believe it's karma. Years later, Jack remarried another woman who had more in common with him where they were not only husband and wife, but they were also best friends. So, without that divorce, he would have never married his new best friend. Some call it a "messy life", while not looking back at their own life's map.
Seeds are planted every. single. day. of your life. Even small things, like adopting a pet has helped me a great deal. I rescued Lola back in May and I can't tell you how much it has helped with my anxiety, especially with my dad's recent passing. She has made me smile and laugh through tears of grief because of her craziness. She has brought such joy into our lives - more than I ever imagined. So just by making the choice of picking Lola up at the shelter was a huge step in not only rescuing this pup, but also rescuing myself. I believe there are conscious and subconscious steps in planting the seed of fate. Sometimes you don't know why "this" is happening to you. I can sit around all day and curse the skies because Dad is gone, but I won't. He was suffering terribly, and to have my selfish nature "wish him back" or to curse God for taking Dad would only prolong my grief and distort the "reason" why he is not with us today. It would also make me very bitter. I'd rather him in peace and not in agony, as hard as that is for me to say or even think with my selfish-nature. We all have that selfish need to want the person we love to always be with us. But, in my faith, God is in control --- always --- and with that, I trust Him with all my heart.
"Dear brother and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything." ~James 1:2-4
"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." ~Romans 5:3-5
Here are some randomly picked inspiring tweets:
For more of Deb's articles, please visit: or join her on Facebook or Twitter.
For years I was getting discouraged with my writing. As most freelance entrepreneurs hope to have their dreams fulfilled, mine was taking a very long time and still, I try to pursue some sort of 'greatness' that seems to crumble at my feet often enough. But I still try and plug away. I remember one of my most discouraging days when I just almost gave up. I was even thinking about taking my book off the shelves, (or online) and simply deleting my entire website. Deleting "me" even. I then received an email from someone who had purchased my book, however never even had read anything in my blog. She thanked me for saving her life. Her life?? I'll never forget it. She was going through a terrible time with her breakup and was going to start up her car in the garage...with the doors closed. She instead, picked up my book and started reading. She said she never put the book down and also, never started up the car in the garage. I was so happy to hear that something I had written had made a huge impact on someone else's life. My book wasn't supposed to "save lives", it was just sharing what I had gone through. But still - the seed was planted, and gratefully, she is here today happy in her marriage with the person she was supposed to be with. My hope in my writing was saved as well. Even if it helped one or two people, I still made a difference. And with that, I can't even take credit because for me -- it was God making a difference. He was the one working through me in order to finish that book. Every ounce of inspiration poured into each chapter was Him...not me. I only told the story.
There are many people who believe in quantum physics or how things happen for a reason, as well as pure coincidences (which someone brought up to me in a previous comment section). That's all up for interpretation and whatnot, and can easily be debated. Just as someone who is going through a breakup can say, "Well, we went through that for a reason - I was supposed to meet that person in the big scheme of things," while other people can tell you, "What a huge mistake!" Even if the "mistake" and bad experience happened, wouldn't you also think about the learning experience behind it? And perhaps even think about what you don't want in your next relationship? "Jack" was married for twenty-five years, had three kids and then eventually divorced due to his wife's infidelity, leaving him to only enjoy weekends with his kids. "Why did God do this to me?" Some blame God, or that God is somehow punishing them. Some believe it's karma. Years later, Jack remarried another woman who had more in common with him where they were not only husband and wife, but they were also best friends. So, without that divorce, he would have never married his new best friend. Some call it a "messy life", while not looking back at their own life's map.
Seeds are planted every. single. day. of your life. Even small things, like adopting a pet has helped me a great deal. I rescued Lola back in May and I can't tell you how much it has helped with my anxiety, especially with my dad's recent passing. She has made me smile and laugh through tears of grief because of her craziness. She has brought such joy into our lives - more than I ever imagined. So just by making the choice of picking Lola up at the shelter was a huge step in not only rescuing this pup, but also rescuing myself. I believe there are conscious and subconscious steps in planting the seed of fate. Sometimes you don't know why "this" is happening to you. I can sit around all day and curse the skies because Dad is gone, but I won't. He was suffering terribly, and to have my selfish nature "wish him back" or to curse God for taking Dad would only prolong my grief and distort the "reason" why he is not with us today. It would also make me very bitter. I'd rather him in peace and not in agony, as hard as that is for me to say or even think with my selfish-nature. We all have that selfish need to want the person we love to always be with us. But, in my faith, God is in control --- always --- and with that, I trust Him with all my heart.
"Dear brother and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything." ~James 1:2-4
"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." ~Romans 5:3-5
Here are some randomly picked inspiring tweets:
The #LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to.-Psalm 118:6 ♥ #TrustInGod #Bible
No matter what happens in your life, trust in God and he will direct your path(s). #TrustinGod
Sometimes, life doesn’t turn out how you planned it. Surprisingly, It turns out better. #TrustInGod
For more of Deb's articles, please visit: or join her on Facebook or Twitter.