10 Ways to Find a Little Peace In This World

What gives you peace? What puts you in 'the zone' where you lose track of time and senseless thoughts? As we get older, it seems like there's no time for hobbies or things that give us joy. If you're smart enough, you'll find the time for all the things you love. But what if you have depression, and your sadness makes you unable to enjoy things things you used to love? It happens to the best of us. I go through waves of each hobby of mine. I have many outlets since I've been a spring chicken. I'm kind of like how my mom was---if I was stressed out, I'd cook a big meal or clean the house to rid of the negative thoughts. If I was having a panic attack, I would pray to God, meditate and play my soothing music in my prayer room. Other times, I'd pick up my guitar and play for an hour or two. Another favorite of mine is throwing myself onto the sofa and diving into a really good book. For me, reading puts me in the moment---it makes me focus on words an...