
Showing posts from June, 2007

Using the Bible to Bash Homosexuals

We’re not broken. It’s amazing how some people will find flaws in others. It’s crazy when other Christians cast stones while preaching the word of God. There are a bunch of Ted Haggards roaming the earth. A few “ so called loving Christians ” have voiced their concerns with my new book. They’re afraid that I’m teaching a false doctrine. I’m not writing a bible here. I’m writing a book based upon the differences between religion and spirituality in my own views. I have that right. People have the right to choose what they believe. I have no authority over that. God gave us “choice”. We have the right to make our own decisions and conclusions of whether or not we’d find solace believing in a particular faith or belief system. Why do people feel they can fix others? Why do so many “Christians” want to change people and mold them in a form that suits their own kind? I truly believe that these types of people don’t have enough faith in what Jesus has done for us, that they feel the need to ...

Writer's Block

As some of you probably already know, I’m working on my second book right now. It’s been exciting and this book seems to flow better than my first one. I’ve started two other books that just didn’t flow well. One was based on a fictional story about two lesbians who went through trials of discrimination. The bulk of the storyline was focused on the military life. I’m sure you can imagine some of the plots right there. It’s not finished, however, it’s sitting on the back burner for now because fiction isn’t my bag. This new book is almost halfway finished and focuses on the differences between religion and spirituality. I’m actually having a lot of fun with it and getting some great ideas from all of you out there, as well as doing some research. It’s funny trying to sit down and write without the phone constantly ringing, or being at a place that just isn’t conducive to creativity. Amy suggested that I head over to the café and write my heart out. The problem with that is, I would do m...

Moving to Denver

Yes, you read that right. I’m making the big move. I’m off to Denver to go live with Dani, Curtis and Maxime. Or wait- did I put that in the wrong order? I’m sorry. Curtis, Dani and Maxime. We have to make sure that the men are first and the women are last. I’m excited though. They’ve opened their home to me. You can hear their invitation here . They’re providing me with my own bedroom within their home. My sister wives are setting me up with a ‘surprise husband’… Curtis. We are all going to be one happy family. See, when Maxime moved over to Denver to move in with Curtis and Dani, they were planning a “surprise husband”. Well, Curtis is one lucky man. He not only has two wives, he has three now. I plan to marry him a week after my stay, so we can fornicate as soon as possible. I hope my sister wives show me the ropes. Polygamy at its finest. I’m no longer a lesbian anymore. I’m a radical Christian fundamentalist that will be attending the Denver Bible Church. So many events have be...

Detour to the Hamptons

Although I was planning to head off to Provincetown, MA to work on my second book, and of course relax, I took a little detour. I put some clips together of my vacation so you can see how beautiful it really is over there. Here are some photos I took below. Whenever I see something that calms me, I take pictures. The last picture just reminded me of the hectic place I'd be returning to.

The Angry Little Gay Man---Nelson Garcia From "NG Blog"

What is anger? It’s a negative emotion stemming from something. That “something” may not have anything to do with the subject that the anger spilled upon. The blogger who goes by the initials, “NG”, Nelson Garcia, is angry. He’s infuriated …but by what? He was angry well before he got upset with me for my opinions. I’ve looked into the archives of his blog and sifted through posts about attorneys, losing cases, exploiting politicians caught in sexual acts, as well as bashing other bloggers for having strong opinions…like he does. He stated, “And she has the unmitigated gall to tell me I need God in my life. If anything, honey, you are exactly why I don't need God in my life.If ever there was a more exemplary case of why it is I'm disdainful towards the christian gay community, this be it.Dare I say (or write) again.. I won't be at all surprised to read one day that Debra Pasquella has gone ex-gay. In fact, the sooner she does, the better the gay community as a whole will ...

What? You're Offended, Nelson Garcia?

There are tons of hidden people out there online, surfing, lurking, participating in conversations, as well as pretending to be people they’re not. There are others who love to ruin someone’s reputation, only due to different beliefs and opinions. Blogs are blogs. They’re not a good resource as far as looking up important information about a person. I’ve come across many blogs that exploited innocent people, giving harsh opinions and judgments about them. It’s their right to speak their mind, but when does it come to the point of lying straight out about them? Yesterday was my second year of blogging. Within that time, I’ve met some really awesome people, whether they were writers or people who stopped by to read what I had to say. I was honored. I started this blog because I was writing a book at the time. I’m a new writer- not a big top seller on the Barnes and Noble’s shelves, (I wish) however, it took a lot of energy, time and healing to write A Prayer Away From Healing . I was go...

On Vacation

I’ll be away until June 21rst. As much as I’m going to miss you all, I plan to sink my feet in the sand and “not think”.

Casting Call!

How are gay families different from heterosexual families? Do children of gay and lesbian couples grow up as successfully as children raised in heterosexual families? Is good parenting influenced by sexual orientation? It is estimated that the number of children nationwide living with at least one gay parent ranges from six to 14 million. These families were born of heterosexual marriages where a parent has since come out, have come together through adoption, or are biologically related, but no matter what the vehicle, their existence is undeniable and is forever altering the traditional definition of “family”. The 90 minute documentary follows the daily lives of these families who are facing the usual situations that most families deal with. We are setting out to provide an opportunity for people to learn about these families and create an insightful exploration of challenges and joys of family life in a lesbian or gay household. The film will be presented to LOGO and other big netwo...

Bound By the Law

Romans 3: 19-20 Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose to keep people from having excuses and to bring the entire world into judgment before God. For no one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what his law commands. For the more we know God’s law, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying it. Romans 7 1-6 Now, dear brothers and sisters—you who are familiar with the law—don’t you know that the law applies only to a person who is still living? Let me illustrate. When a woman marries, the law binds her to her husband as long as he is alive. But if he dies, the laws of marriage no longer apply to her. So while her husband is alive, she would be committing adultery if she married another man. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and does not commit adultery when she remarries. So this is the point: The law no longer holds you in its power, because you died to its power when you died with Christ on the cross. And now you ar...

Questioning the Translations

What does the word “evil” mean? In the dictionary, it says this: e·vil /ˈi vÉ™l/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ee-vuh l] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life. 2. harmful; injurious: evil laws. 3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days. 4. due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation. 5. marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition. –noun In the “religious” context, it means not following God- anything against God’s will. Then you have those who believe that homosexual relationships are “evil”. I know both words, “evil” and “wicked” can mean immoral, however, there are plenty of immoral people out there who are promiscuous and those who don’t care about their bodies. Even when I think of the words, “evil” or “wicked”, I think of immorality as well as e...

A Little Piece of Heaven

It’s that time of year again where I’m starting to prepare for my summer vacation. Usually I swap vacation spots, but this year, I've decided to hit the one place that’s closest to my heart- Provincetown, MA. In an article found here , it states its unique history. The Town of Provincetown was incorporated in 1727, but its history begins much earlier as its well protected harbor offered excellent shelter from storms. Although the Vikings probably landed here to rest and repair their boats, the first recorded visit was by the European explorer Gosnold as early as 1602. Provincetown harbor was also the site of the first landing of the Mayflower in 1620, where the Mayflower Compact was signed. However, the first permanent settlement didn't take place until 1700, with fishing being the primary industry. After the Revolution, the town boomed and its population rose 276.6% between 1790 and 1830. By the middle of the 19th century, Provincetown had developed as the prime maritime, fis...

False Teaching

Warning Against False Teachers Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons. These teachers are hypocrites and liars. They pretend to be religious, but their consciences are dead. ~1 Timothy 4:1-2 Readers who have come onto my blog have experienced false teachers and witnessed “Christians” lying firsthand. They have also witnessed hypocrisy. I don’t even have to delve further into who or what I’m speaking of. It’s just common sense and common knowledge of whose teaching comes from demonic motives. Those who want to live in peace and spread the love to others are constantly persecuted, because they’re living happy lives. “ Christians ” who have argued with me, believe that in order to be a true believer in Christ, that you must be unhappy. This is false. Do you really believe that your God, your Father in heaven, wants you to live a life full of sadness, guilt, re...

Carlos & Fernando Adopt a Baby!

Abomination or God's creation? What do you think?