Showing posts from December, 2006
Waters to Swim...
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Have you heard about the frog that was born at the bottom of the well? He thought life couldn’t get any better till one day he looked up and saw daylight. Climbing up to investigate, he was amazed to find a much larger pond than the one he lived in. And going further afield he discovered a lake that was bigger again. When eventually he came to the ocean and all he could see was water, it dawned on him just how limited his thinking had been. He thought everything he needed was down in the well, but that was a drop in the bucket compared to the things that were out there for him to enjoy. Maybe you’re living today in your own little “well,” reluctant to leave your comfort zone, settling for limited and safe existence while God has rivers “deep enough to swim in.” Wouldn’t you like to step out in faith, experience new depths in Him and go where you’ve never been before? Remember, the enemy will do everything he can do to keep you focused on your background, your lack of formal education,...
Myriad of Personalities
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Over a lifetime of years, developing relationships from family & friends to acquaintances , I find myself wondering if my personality changes from person to person. With each person, I think we act differently. We say one thing to one person, yet would never blurt the same thing out to another. What makes us act differently? Maybe the nature of the relationship? Maybe it’s the trust factor? Or maybe it’s the way someone else lets you be yourself, instead of putting up a total façade. Do we put up airs in front of certain people we want to impress? Let’s start out with friends. I usually joke around and laugh with the friends who are lighthearted and fun. These friends aren’t offended very easily with sarcastic jokes or comments I make in jest. They don’t take things personally, unless it’s a personal attack on one’s integrity. Insults are much different from making a sarcastic joke. When you insult someone, you hurt them- possibly making them want to become distant from you or brea...
Ba Hum"bug"!
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I’ve tried everything from Echinacea, vitamin C to hot soup, gargling with salt water and Swedish nurses. This cold won’t leave me. Some would say alcohol kills the bug—the good stuff—not just beer. Well, I went down to the local pub & restaurant where they serve up the most delicious bloody marys with Amy . I asked them to give it the “Deb style”, which involves mostly Ketel One vodka and a touch of tomato juice. I asked for the hot sauce on the side. I dowsed the hot sauce ten million times to get any left over germ that may be lingering. This trick seemed to work. We headed off to Target to get some last minute Christmas gifts. I decided to grab a gingerbread latte at the Starbuck’s next door. Bad move. This stuff is loaded with so much cream- it’s disgusting. I felt it coming on. My cold was back, and it was getting worse. The real question is, why do Starbuck’s, Duncan Donuts and other coffee hut branches serve up their coffee with 95% cream and 5% coffee? This defeats the wh...
Head Nurse Position: Filled
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Thanks for everyone who applied for the nursing position. Deb has selected the most qualified candidate for this job. Asa , has accepted our offer and has already started early this morning. The only stipulation was that Deb tends to whine a lot. Wine? Whine? She does both. In fact, Asa has offered to bring her mom’s old remedy, which includes hot red wine with lemon & honey. Deb was pleasantly surprised with this lovely offer. This was an eye catcher for Deb. When Asa walked in the door, she walked upstairs to where Deb was honking, sneezing, sniffling, tearing, hacking, coughing and yes…whining. “Surprise! I’m here with delicious hot red wine and some fabulous Swedish meatballs!” Asa said, as she stood there in this most peculiar outfit. It looked as if she went to some bizarre birthday bash, or some bachelorette party. I couldn’t figure this one out, but she looked like a hot number- regardless. Did she think this was the uniform she was supposed to wear? And that hat! Bunny...
Apply Within
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If it’s not one thing, it’s the other. From visiting endless doctors- ones that don’t require people to come in for colds, flues or other virus related stuff, I figured picking up a magazine wasn’t a big deal. No one touched it who was sick. People come in here to get ultrasounds, pap smears and blood work. That’s it. I start flipping through the pages as I waited for the nurse to call me in. A day later, I’m sick. I’m hacking, coughing, wailing, sniffling, tearing, snorting and blowing my nose like a bugle boy. It wasn’t pretty. The funny thing is, when people hear me blow my nose, they assume I’m one of those ‘quiet types’ that just steams off a little whoooooosh- and that’s it. Nope. I’m honking so loud, that I could use it as my mating call. It’s a very unattractive quality. I try my best not to do it in public, but it’s just unavoidable. I don’t care where you are, what you do, or who you’re with- do not touch any magazines that aren’t in your custody at home! Don’t do it. Now th...
This Hand
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CP sent over a video for me to watch. It's very moving and shows a very powerful message at the end of video. Please watch this...especially the ending. Thanks CP ! By the way, I just wanted to let everyone know that the doctor told me my blood work was fine and I don't need any procedure. The polyp is fairly small, so he's not concerned. All your prayers helped me! Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to speak to the big guy for me! I'm totally grateful to all of you! Prayer is a powerful thing!
Hormonal Nightmare
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After the whole chaos of being on those psychotic birth controls that made me absolutely whacky, from stopping them and coming back down to a state of tranquility- I faced my worst fear: the grocery store. I never trek into huge supermarkets packed with people playing bumper cars with their shopping carts. Everyone seems to be lost in their own world, on a mission to find what’s on their list. I had a get together planned for that evening. I needed to see my friends I haven’t seen in a while. I forced myself to grab a cart (with gloves of course) and head inside the madhouse. I managed to grab everything that was on my list, including things I really didn’t need. That’s just how I am – a total impulse buyer. I finally get to the checkout line. There was only one person standing in front of me. I thought, “Wow, what a breeze this was!” Until I heard, “Price check please!” That was it. I knew I was in it for the long haul. I felt my anxiety rise within me, so I started to watch this litt...
Hormonal Mess
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A tiring and exhausting week of doctors, doctors…and more doctors has me wiped out. I’m being tested for PCOS , (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which involves a normal pap smear, blood tests, and they started me on birth control pills. As if I need birth controls of any sort. I should really shuffle through Google about the side effects of birth control pills, but I’m scared. I’ll obsess about each and every “possible” side effect they have listed. I do that with any medication- even if it’s Tylenol. I’m not a smoker, so he said that none of the ‘high blood pressure risks’ are applicable. I’m on Loestrin, which my doctor reassures me this is a lighter type of pill. It’s to regulate my hormones and my menstruation. They found a polyp that is one and a half centimeter big. I need a DNC procedure- which they have to put me under anesthesia to do this. I’ve never had an operation or procedure before, other than lasik eye surgery. This is a whole different ballgame. Now that I have been on...
Curtis and Dani Go On and On...
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I recently listened to Curtis Kekoa’s radio segment dedicated to me and was surprisingly amused, and yet I was somewhat sad for him. Curtis is Dani's husband. As most of you know, Dani & Curtis are homophobic people who dwell on the gay lifestyle to the point of exasperation. The rant of his was redundant. He kept asking me to repent. For what Curtis? For loving my partner? For being in a loving relationship that makes me happy? As far as speaking about my spiritual encounters, he goes on to say how I took LSD. I’ve never touched drugs in my life. Now I have been known to hit the bottle quite a few times, but LSD? Isn’t that slanderous Curtis? In my blog, I only say what’s already “been said”, or “factual statements”. So here’s my factual statements based upon what Curtis and Dani have already admitted. This is a good time to pray for them both. My letter to Curtis: Curtis, Thank you for dedicating your show to me. I thank you for your time, especia...