
Showing posts from August, 2024

Put Yourself Back On the Pedestal

For the longest time, I never realized the importance of self-love and putting yourself first, before trying to make anyone in your life happy. The truth is, you can't "make" anyone happy. You can't control how other people feel. You can only control your emotions and reactions to people, things and situations. It's taken me quite a few decades to realize this. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone is going to stay true to their word. They'll say one thing, and then do another. Observe the actions of people---not what they say. Also, it's important to forgive. It's human nature to be flawed and imperfect. Most people intend on making good on what they "say," but their actions may lack a bit. Forgive it all. You can't do anything about it. I know this sounds like a weak approach, but it's actually the harder approach. I cannot tell you how many videos and TedTalks I've seen where there are mentors and spiritual gurus are ...