
Showing posts from October, 2007

Our Inner Character

A very special friend of mine had written me something I needed to read: Looking back, may I be filled with gratitude; Looking forward, may I be filled with hope; Looking upward, may I be aware of strength; Looking inward, may I find peace. ~Author unknown Sometimes, I find myself surrounded by those who wreak havoc on my emotions. Maybe it’s the way I internalize things, events and situations? Maybe it’s the way I process it all? As I try to resolve and find solutions for anything that has gone wrong in my life, my ‘opponents’ seem to dwell and seek further turmoil and drama. I’m not sure why. Are there people who seem to be attracted to complicated situations or drama? If they don’t have the excitement of arguments or conflicts, do they find themselves lost in a world of silence? I always try to understand how the human mind works. I mostly try to understand how my own mind works. Some would say I easily blow off the ‘big things’---the things that need more attention or focus on. Wh...

Accepting Uncertainty

My theory: we’re all here to constantly learn. Since my belief is, this earth, this world, this place that we know all too well is only temporary until we get into the big pearly gates; we’re just here to constantly learn more and more. I guess I have to accept that God knows the bigger picture. I only see a small scope of things, but it’s frustrating when I don’t know everything. Who does? Uncertainty. What is it? The unknown, the stuff that goes on without your knowledge, the things that are beyond our “control”. Sometimes we get frustrated because we didn’t get the job we wanted, we didn’t achieve a certain goal or we don’t know what’s in store for us in the future. Will I have kids? Will I get that dream job? Will the love of my life come walking in my life anytime soon? We just don’t know. We can’t force fate; we can only draw it in with positive energy. We can’t control things, people or destiny. Life’s unpredictable, like the weather. Who can control the rain? “Can you shout t...

Tech Support For Sony

Let me go on a rant about something please... I’d like to think that I’m a very patient person when it comes to customer service representatives, tech support people and other folks who help us out with products or services, however, I have been on the phone now for 2 hours with the same rep trying to understand his thick Indian accent. This is the 4th rep I have been on the line with. Remember when my computer blew out? My Sony Vaio crapped out on me and I sent it off to get it repaired. The phone call for that order was 2 hours long as well. Anyway, right now I am on the phone, listening to this guy process my order- which is taking him even longer than expected. I have never been so frustrated before in my life with customer service. I kindly asked him where I was calling. He said the call center was located in India. I don’t have anything against people from this area, however, for Sony to send us all the way to the Middle East that rubs me the wrong way. Why can’t we get our own ...

Bias Opinions

What does it mean? Whoever you talk to- a friend, spouse, family member or a co-worker, 95% of the time, they will agree with whatever you have to say regarding a personal matter that’s going on in your life. Some advice may be a little too over the top, and others may be generalized for the sake of staying neutral, but overall, you’ll come to notice that the advice you get from the people closest to you will deter you from making a conscious and wise decisions of your own. Influences. People who are close to us have the influence to persuade us one way or the other. Sometimes, people do it out of self-gratifying reasons. Sometimes, you have to ask yourself, does this person want something out of this? What would he/she gain if I told them this, or got advice from them about that? Does this person have a romantic interest in me? Or is this person jealous of the relationship I have with whomever I’m having the problem with for whatever reason? How do you determine what’s “good advice”?...

What a Pain!

Today’s off topic subject deals with menstrual matters. Depending on the situation and the severity of it, PMS can be a terrible thing for the person going through it, as well as the people around them. Shut up! Talk to me! Why aren’t you listening? Come here! Go away! What’s wrong with you? Stay here-go there-where you going? We can drive anyone insane with our crazy and erratic emotions. We’re armed dangerous with vicious words and looks that could kill. We can snap at any given moment. Don’t stir things up - just “be”. Don’t agitate us, because we’re already there. Don’t talk too much or talk too little, we’ll know something’s up. Just let us veg out watching Lifetime, sipping green tea with a box of Kleenex, because we’re gonna need it! Pity the person who’s with me. Let’s put aside the emotional roller coaster for one moment. My pain is so excruciating, that it ranges from vomiting, falling on the floor hurled into a ball crying, to turning ash gray and eventually passing out fro...

A Heartfelt Apology

It’s been a while since I’ve actually written a solid entry in here. My computer, as you know went bonkers on me. I had to get it repaired and send it out since it was still under warranty. The most frustrating aspect of it all was the tech support group in India who helped me- or at least tried. Since I’ve been without a computer for this long, I’ve done a lot of praying, meditating and reading. I’ve been coming to terms with issues that haven’t been resolved. Yes, I have issues – ask my shrink. I realized this week that I’m a total control freak. If things aren’t going accordingly to “my plan”, then I’m bound to stomp, bitch and moan over the things that cannot be “controlled”. ( Hence my previous short post .) That explained a lot. See, all my life, I had this idea of anyone who came into my life needed to meet my ‘standards’. My standards were impossible. I'd make a fuss over many things, such as a partner on a business trip, late hours, someone who focused way too much on wor...

The Laws of Attraction Explained

Click here to see this amazing video about the laws of attraction and how we can change our minds and our focus on the things we want out of life, regarding relationships and work.

Deb's Without a Computer!

Yep, my computer is on the fritz! I've been noticing more and more how slow my computer was getting and how much data I have lost. This is a fairly new Sony Vaio and I have all the protection in the world with this thing. I'm not sure why this happened. In any event, I have to ship this back to the manufacturer to replace it. Thank God it's still under warranty. I'll be without a computer for about 10 days. I'll be checking in from time to time at the internet café down the block or using someone else's computer. I'll be back soon. Enjoy your week!

Choosing Our State of Mind

What does it take to be perfect? What’s the true definition of “perfection”? Is it to be flawless? Is it to become exactly what is pure and true? Does any one of us hold these qualities? It’s a hard standard to live up to. Once we see an imperfection in our character, we immediately self-destruct emotionally sometimes. Once we see an imperfection in someone else’s character, we’re quick to judge. We’re quick to comment on that flaw that’s just been revealed. Why? Is it because we want to be perfect? Is there such thing as being ‘more perfect than the next’? Or is it simply being human? Lately, I’ve been noticing many flaws in my character. I’ve been dwelling on the negatives and throwing out all positive reinforcements in my life. Each time I “sin” or break some kind of promise to myself or to others, I punish myself with negative dialog and plague myself with depression. I actually inflict the depression upon myself. I know, it sounds absolutely crazy, doesn’t it? A friend of mine w...

Things Could Be Worse...Right?

Is it true that when we dwell on the negative, we give it more power to consume us? I’ve always heard the saying, “Whatever you resist, persists,” but I’m not sure with all these clichés and platitudes that it’ll make me feel any better. Sometimes, when I’m in a funk, I dwell on it a little too much, even bringing some of my own people down with me. Misery loves company, right? Yep, and yet another cheesy cliché. I’m finding more and more people who are depressed, jaded, heartbroken and just discouraged about life itself. I’m one of them. Sometimes I feel that nothing in my life will go right. I don’t have enough money, I’m confused about my direction in life and the big ol’ pity party---“where’s God when I need Him?” It starts to get to you. While scrolling through some websites that people have made on Myspace, I’ve noticed so many people in the same state as myself. Some worse off, yet, I can still relate on some level. There are some people who simply don’t want anybody else’s hel...

Help! He's Heartbroken!

What gives anybody the right to think they know someone- especially when it’s their significant other? We know them to some extent, however, we can’t fully know everything that goes on in their minds. Some people feel so comfortable knowing that their relationship is invincible- that nothing in the world can tear them apart. I still don't know everything about my partner- I'm still learning each day about her. Some people feel as though they're “safe” and secure, knowing their partner would never, ever leave them. That safety net is good, because it means you fully trust that person, but is it wise? Is it safe to say that we all need some sort of awareness of the reality of a possible separation? “Oh that’ll never happen to us.” I hear it all the time. I sometimes felt that. Sometimes, when you feel too safe, that’s when you lose sight of what’s truly going on around you. There’s a difference between “needing”, “wanting”, “loving”, and being “in love”. You may disagree, o...