Your Weakness & Vulnerability Is Your Strength
Once in a while, I get some people asking me, "Why do you write such personal things up on your blog and on social media?" Some people, and even some family members are embarrassed by my 'oversharing' of personal struggles with anxiety, depression and grief. I always tell them, "It's my purpose. I am here to help people feel less alone." As God once impressed on me, that I am supposed to "Do it for the One"----do it even if only one person reads what I write, as well as do it for "The One" --- God Himself. Because God is in each and every once of us. So by sharing my weaknesses, God's strength is made even that much stronger, especially for the other person seeking help. If someone lost a parent, I can share my experience and how I still cope through it. If someone suffers with anxiety attacks, I can tell them about my coping skills and hopefully assist them and prevent them going straight into crisis mode. I truly believe that