
Showing posts from October, 2016

Childlike Wonder

There's something inside all of us that makes us beg for our inner child to come out. It can come in the form of a temporary excitement, like a holiday, especially Christmas, or even reliving your own child's life events. There's something comforting about being in that "space" if you will. I don't have any kids, so I don't get many opportunities to relive my childhood. I've been "adulting" too long. And not that it's a bad thing, because looking back, I had the best childhood. But now that I'm all grown up, I kind of miss all the fun as a kid and all the childlike wonder and seeing things in awe. It all kind of faded out in the distance as I grew up into reality -- into a world of 'cmon, be realistic' type of mindset. Having a child at least gives a parent an outlet to be a kid again. My wife is a total kid. That's why I love her. I don't know how she does it, but she just loves to go to kid events. I roll my ...


Change is inevitable. Every so often, you'll feel the shift of the universe, whether it pans out good or not. Either way, it's meant to be all for the good. Some people feel they've been dealt a bad hand, when in fact, it probably saved them a massive amount of heartache in the long run. Who knows, right? But I refuse to remain a victim of circumstances. I'm tired of people whining about how their life didn't turn out the way they expected it to. Whose life did? I mean, if you really ask someone what they used to dream of as a kid -- what they wanted to be when they grew up -- most likely, you will get a completely different scenario than the life they are living today. And that's OK. I think subconsciously, since most of our dreams took a strange twist of fate, we either feel resentful or very lucky, depending. As I sit outside working today, I'm watching the beautiful leaves of summer fall off from the trees, too weak to hold on any longer. It's ...

5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety & Depression From My Own Experience

Have you ever been so riddled with anxiety, that you can barely decide on what to do next, whether it be a new project, first tasks at work or just picking a hobby on a Saturday afternoon? Even the most simplest things seem so incredibly complicated. I guess one of the signs of depression is indecisiveness and the inability to focus or finish a task. I've learned from experience that after an anxiety attack, I slip into a strange fatigue-like state, and I am assuming that's the depression part of it all. I'm not "sad" per se -- I'm just blah and I find myself pulling back from the world. Sometimes my friends think that I'm upset with them or that I no longer want to spend time with them. But it's so far from the truth. My mind can only handle very little interaction at that time. But it does pass. This is what keeps me sane. Some episodes last longer than others. The one thing that I have learned is: it's OK to have your down moments and become a...