Trying to Debunk the Paranormal

Some people believe in the paranormal and others are skeptics. Religious or people of faith tend to sway away from that topic and usually feel that it is very bad to communicate with the deceased, due to what the bible says about it. I’ve always believed there were ghosts only because I’ve experienced some weird happenings myself in my lifetime that just cannot be explained. Everything can be debunked though…everything. It is fun to think it was real. Since I’m far more sensitive to the paranormal than the people who are close to me, I always refrain from telling them most of what I see and let them tell me what they see or experience. For example, when I lived in the apartment upstairs from my parents’ house, there was an older woman who wore a grayish housecoat with white hair. She was tall, lanky and of course, an apparition. I wasn’t sure if I was the only one seeing her. She mostly stayed in my old bedroom downstairs. I’d see her from the corner of my eye, walking from the living ...