Compassion Without Internalization: Hamas' Consequences

New Year resolutions are easily broken; much like people. We feel too much. We think too much. We hurt too much. A very good friend of mine is making an interesting New Year’s resolution... “We should live in the NOW and let everything else go.” It sounds so easy to do. It sounds like the perfect solution to all of our heartbreaks and disappointments in life. Is it easier said than done? Maybe. What if we put all of our effort into it? Are we trying too hard then? Sometimes when we try too hard to forget about something, all we’re really doing is focusing on it. It’s difficult to focus on the positive side of things when our economy is literally sinking, people are being killed senselessly in wars and our world as we know it seems to be shaken up by the devastations that people have turned it into. I’ve been noticing that a lot of people have been internalizing all these negative things happening in our world into their own griefs - even if they have nothing to d...