A Detour: Never Forget

“Never forget.”
We hear it every year on this day. How can we forget? Do we have to be reminded of this day eight years ago? It is still embedded into our hearts and minds. When we lose someone in our lives that we once cared for, loved and cherished, regardless of how that person has passed on, he or she will never be forgotten - ever. I assure you that there is no need to remind a brokenhearted widow about her husband who had died eight years ago or even twenty years ago. You don’t have to remind a son or daughter who had lost a parent, nor a parent who has lost a child.
“Never forget.”
What is so wrong about taking our minds for a little detour, especially after eight years? What’s so wrong about possibly taking a step toward healing? This is what our passed loved ones would have wanted. Our constant grieving has skyrocketed the psychiatry business. Our constant grieving has set a time and place into our hearts of the anniversary of 9/11. It’s a memorial and a special tribute. That I understand. There are people who visit their loved ones’ grave sites to toss a few flowers and spend some time praying, while remembering the times when they were once alive.
“Never forget.”
Never forget the time they were once here. Never forget that your loved one is in a better place. Never forget the soul that had once resided in a human shell and is now restored, rescued and free from all human tribulations of this world and into a whole other world, we’d like to believe is called, “Heaven”. Never forget our special they were, how magnificent they were while they were still here, on earth. Never forget the times spent and shared. But, if there is a way to forget how they departed, maybe in a way, that in itself will heal all of us a bit more faster.
God bless all who were affected on this day, eight years ago. May you heal completely, but keep in your heart the life that God has rescued from this earth. May you forget just a little; enough so you can look up without tears and feel your heart mending, knowing that deep down inside, you’ll get to be reunited with your loved ones soon enough.
Life’s too short.
Live it.
Remember, but don’t dwell.
Live it.
Remember, but don’t dwell.
Please read another view from someone who wasn't in New York during the 9/11 attacks and how it affected her. This is my good friend who just started blogging. Please visit, Redraven's Dark Korner.