The Aftermath Within

No words, hidden meanings behind snarky comments or people’s judgments can hurt me now. I’m numb, as though it were a shield protecting me. Nothing can hurt me at this very moment. Both anxiety and depression are awful things to experience, but I’d pick depression over anxiety any given day. I don’t want to feel the rush of fear flowing through every vein in my body. I don’t want my chest to hurt from not breathing properly, making me think it’s probably a heart attack. I’d rather the silence, the thoughts that delve deep into the pit of my heart and the tears that come along with it as well. Even though it’s a dark place, my body feels at rest this dark place called depression. Maybe that’s God’s way of curing the anxiety. Depression is the pill to cure all of those anxious feelings. The side effects include: tears, fatigue, thoughts of the past and numbness to the rest of the world.
If you don’t hear from me today, it’s because my heart is resting from the constant pounding of the fear that stems from the the battles of the outside world, and of course, from within.