The Rain...
The rain also reminds of many good times spent with my partner. We would run through the streets of this small village, trying to avoid the ‘big frizzy hair syndrome’ and duck under a little nook with our café mochas talking until our cups were completely dry and our heartbeats going a mile a minute. When we first started dating, we ended up on the hood of her car kissing in a severe thunderstorm that lasted for almost an hour. We didn’t even realize how severe the storm was until we got back inside and we had to wring ourselves out. I ended up with pneumonia, but it was well worth it! Good times...

Memories also remind me of the time my partner and I would go to the beach house in the Hamptons. We were so close to the beach that the surf sometimes traveled all the way up to the house. The storms there were just incredible. The views, the sounds of the surf pounding into the ground and the wild storms that came rolling through were God’s way of showing how powerful He was! We’d sit on the deck and watch the light show while finishing off a delicious bottle of wine. I’ll never forget it.
To me, the rain is the most romantic setting ever, aside from a snowstorm. It reminds me of roaring fires, good wine, romance and the memories of when I was younger. It provides comfort on many levels, where I can say: I absolutely love this weather!
What’s your favorite memory of the rain?
Here's a video I took outside our apartment of a bad storm that created a small twister up on the mountain. We later found out it was a tornado in the town next to us, which we filmed. After the footage, you'll see the rainbow that appears.