Dysfunctional Dysmenorrhea

After my cycle, the pain doesn’t end there. It starts off with heartburn, stomach cramping, acid reflux and severe bloating in the upper abdominal area. Sometimes, it’s so severe, that I vomit blood. So after the menstrual cramps are gone, gastritis, heartburn and acid reflux takes its place. I have good days, but very few. If you see me out, it’s most likely a good day. I’ve been eating small meals throughout the day so it’ll lessen the pain. I’m being monitored by my doctor and getting an endoscopy to look into it further. I’m hoping these symptoms that plague me are before the stages where I need to be operated on. If I don’t treat this now, I can develop esophageal or stomach cancer which scares the hell out of me.
My uterus has caused me so much grief. It’s limited my career opportunities, due to the amount of sick days. It’s also limited my social life, to where I can’t go out as much as I used to, or would like to. Some of my friends and family offer me such delicious food to where I have to decline because I know I’ll pay for it dearly hours later. At times, my mother gets offended if I say “no” to her incredible homemade Italian food. She doesn’t quite understand what kind of pain I go through, and believes I’m trying to diet or thinks her food isn’t good, instead of realizing I’m only trying to treat my stomach issues. I decline many dinner invitations, in fear that I’ll have pain or stomach problems. I usually don’t eat out if it’s more than 30 minutes away from home now. I have to be careful. The ride home may be a choppy one.
I feel like my uterus is ruining my life, which is why I’m thinking about removing it altogether. I can’t go through this, because now, it’s not only 3-4 days out of the month that debilitates me, it’s the entire month, which equates to every. single. day. of my life. Through the fog and unclear state of mind I’m in right now, I’m surprised I even wrote this entire post out. If anybody knows any home remedies or tips for any of my above complaints, please let me know. I apologize if this post was a bit whiney, but I’m in too much pain to think about anything else.
For more of Deb's articles, please visit: www.debrapasquella.com or join her on Facebook and Twitter. Check out her cooking blog for some of her famous recipes!