Is Homosexuality Really an Abomination to God?

This morning, I went into my comment section from my last blog post and saw that someone under “anonymous”, signed “Wayne”, had written quite a lengthy blurb to tell me what “truth” really is regarding homosexuality.
Here’s Wayne’s comment:
I read the postings between yourself and Dani concerning your homosexual lifestyle, and I wanted to share a few words. First, if you really believe in God, then you would have to believe that He is all-wise and knows what He is doing and what He did when He created "Male and Female", gave us different sexual organs on purpose for a purpose: to procreate! Now if God wanted you to be with other women, then why did He give you a vagina and not a penis? Think about this: for the men who claimed that they were "born gay", then why did this all-wise God give them a penis, testicles, and the ability to produce and release semen...if He didn't intend that they should be with women?? What would be the purpose of sperm swimming into another man's feces? The anus, male and female, is not a sex organ; the penis and the vagina are! We all know that the penis - vagina relationship is the appropriate corresponding and complementary relationship that brings pleasure, a sense of oneness and intimacy,and of course, the ability to procreate. People of the same gender cannot and do not experience the afore-mentioned. What would be the purpose of one woman using a "Strap-On" on another woman? Clearly, it is apparent that women that uses strap-ons really want a penis...but because they're warp in the head, they convince themselves that that is normal and natural when clearly it is a perversion! Hopefully this will cause you to think about what you're doing and the lies that you have and continue to follow!
Respectfully Yours,
My response:
“Hi Wayne,
My response:
“Hi Wayne,
Thank you for taking the time to comment. Based on my previous debates with many fundamentalist Christians and those Christians who were so concerned over the sin of homosexuality, I have found that their primary focus isn’t on God, but on the sexual acts of homosexuality. My question to you is: why do you focus so much on the sexual aspect of it? Why not focus more on the sin of premarital heterosexual sex acts? Did you know that fellatio and cunnilingus are performed by heterosexual people too? There are religious laws set against these acts because it is an act of “perversion”, so to only pleasure your partner is in fact, a “sin” too. So is everyone going to hell? I think God is a bit more complex than just basing our fate upon those alone. Oh, and by the way, my partner and I don’t use a strap-on, so I hope that you may gain knowledge on this site that not every lesbian uses toys nor does every gay male like anal sex.
Maybe if you can base your knowledge on the gay and lesbian community as “loving couples”, (and of course you’re going to have your lustful ones too, just as there are many in the heterosexual world), then perhaps you’ll see that we’re just like anybody else: people who love their partners that want to grow old with one another. Basing it purely on procreation is silly, because there are many heterosexual married couples who cannot have a baby. So let me ask you this: if they cannot procreate and they are a married heterosexual couple still having sex ---then is that a perversion? Many heterosexual couples prefer anal sex. You are grouping all gays and lesbians as perverts, who do the same things heterosexuals do in some cases. You have to look at the big picture. Each person has a cross to bear, a sin to struggle with, but for someone to judge their crosses and sins are just as “perverted” or for a lack of better words, twisted to do so.
Biblically speaking, in Leviticus, it says, Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22). 'If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.' (Leviticus 20:13)
It also states that man should not eat crustaceans of the sea (shellfish), or shave his beard, for that is also an abomination to God. Again, is everyone going to hell? These scriptures are the old law that no longer applies to Christians. Maybe these biblical scriptures will make it clearer for you.
'But what if we seek to be made right with God through faith in Christ and then find out that we are still sinners? Has Christ led us into sin? Of course not! Rather, I make myself guilty if I rebuild the old system I already tore down. For when I tried to keep the law, I realized I could never earn God’s approval. So I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ. I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not one for those who treats the grace of God as meaningless. **For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die.** That one sentence says it all: {“For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die.”} Then you have this passage: 'You and I are Jews by birth, not ‘sinners’ like the Gentiles. And yet we Jewish Christians know that we become right with God, not by doing what the law commands, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be accepted by God because of our faith in Christ-and not because we have obeyed the law. ***For no one will ever be saved by obeying the law.***' ~Galatians 2:15-16
Relying on Jesus’ sacrifice is why love between two people is not wrong. The Old Law no longer binds us. So Wayne, do you believe that Jesus’ death was all done for meaningless purposes? He died for us so that we no longer are bound by the old law, that we can have peace knowing that God accepts us. The biggest commandment is to love God with all your heart, and to also love others as you would yourself. Ah, the golden rule. It’s so hard for super-duper hyped up Christians to follow. It’s no wonder so many of my gay and lesbian friends have turned from Christianity due to people criticizing their lives so much. I’m just glad I can be there for people who have lost hope in Christianity and to let them know how loved they are by God. How important they are to God and that whomever they love, is also a blessing by God.
This last scripture will also prove that whether male or female, we are all part of God's plan:
'Let me put it in another way. The law was our guardian and teacher to lead us until Christ came. So now, through faith in Christ, we are made right with God. But now that faith in Christ has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian. So you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have been made like him. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are ALL Christians—you are one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and now all the promises God gave to him belong to you.' ~Galatians 3:24-29
Maybe one day you’ll find the peace as we have, so you won’t have to fish around for other people’s sins, but to look at your own and focus in on your own heart.
Warmest regards,
Here are additional comments from my Facebook account:
Arthur Blackwell
First ,,, Wayne is a jackass ,, Second ,, Wayne seems to be asking a lot of questions without providing a single answer , also his questions seem to be a bit too curious , perhaps Wayne is hiding somthing ,, Is that it Wayner ,, are you CURIOUS ?? ARE YOU TRYING TO OPEN YOUR CLOSET DOOR ???
4 hours ago · ·
Debra Pasquella
Homophobic people are usually gay themselves. I totally believe that. All he spoke about were the sexual aspects of the relationship ---nothing else. At least back it up with some scripture! He has nothing.
4 hours ago · ·
John Sorrentino
I re-read Wayne’s letter and your reply several times. You are making one big assumption unless you left something out. Where does Wayne profess to be a Christian?
It is my understanding that the worst crimes against homosexuals are not committed by Christians.
It is my understanding that the worst crimes against homosexuals are not committed by Christians.
about an hour ago · ·
Arthur Blackwell
I think Wayne profeses to be a narrow minded bigot
about an hour ago · ·
Peta Joy Sosnowski
Back in the days just after the dinosaurs died out when I started "coming out" I had a friend that, while not religious at all, was also very homophobic (he hated religion with the same passion he hated gays). He never explained his reasons for that hate, and I never asked. But except for this one area I loved this guy as a brother. And when I told him, that was the end of our relationship. I still miss him. But I could not keep lying to him.
You know..... The SOB still owes me $4,000!
You know..... The SOB still owes me $4,000!
about an hour ago · ·
Arthur Blackwell
John i just watched that video ,, thank you for finding it ,, its still in practice today im sure which makes it even more awful ,,, BUT if the right wing Christian fanatics could get away with it THEY would do the same thing ,,, but this is coming from an ANTI religion individual ,, Religion is the reason this world is so messed up ,,
about an hour ago · ·
Debra Pasquella
John, For starters, when he talks about God, he uses a capital "H" for He. That's what most Christians do. Secondly, if he is on Dani's website seeing the debates, and defending Dani with what is a sin or not, then what makes you think he's not a Christian? Regardless, I defended my stance against his assumption/belief that homosexuality is a sin.Usually, an atheist doesn't believe in a God and will not defend a "God" if he isn't religious.
Peta, Of course there are homophobes who aren't religious, but when they speak of "sins" and toss out God, then yeah, big clue right there. But homophobia is simply ignorant - the unknown is terrifying to them, especially when they hold their own homosexual tendencies. Did you ever get the vibe that he was gay himself?
Arthur, that's why so many people run away from religions, or seek those who are accepting. But, obviously the guy came off a Christian fundamentalist site and spoke about sins against God... So an educated (or even non-educated guess) would assume he is in fact, Christian. Who knows...I could be wrong. :\
Peta, Of course there are homophobes who aren't religious, but when they speak of "sins" and toss out God, then yeah, big clue right there. But homophobia is simply ignorant - the unknown is terrifying to them, especially when they hold their own homosexual tendencies. Did you ever get the vibe that he was gay himself?
Arthur, that's why so many people run away from religions, or seek those who are accepting. But, obviously the guy came off a Christian fundamentalist site and spoke about sins against God... So an educated (or even non-educated guess) would assume he is in fact, Christian. Who knows...I could be wrong. :\
50 minutes ago · ·
Arthur Blackwell
Oh Im sure the guy calls himself a Christian ,,,WHEN ITS CONVENIENT
44 minutes ago · ·
Peta Joy Sosnowski
If I didn't know better I would have thought him a lesbian. I never thought him gay in the least, a closet Nazi maybe. Extremely smart, lazy, slightly a slob..... And he never tossed out any comments concerning sin or God or anything that wasn't based in the material world. An example of what he would would say: Some time ago someone in DC took a couple of the then new Glock pistols and unloaded them into a gay bar, his response was, "Good test of the new weapon."
39 minutes ago · ·
John Sorrentino
Arthur, I write this realizing that no one ever changes their preconceived world view based on a facebook post but your view is just not true. Not all religions are created equal. There is something called Sharia (Islamic) Law. This law calls for the death of, among others, homosexuals. There are several hundred million human beings currently living under one form or another of Sharia. There is no changing Sharia as its believers consider it “The Word of God, Forever and Unalterable.” There is no reasoning with this, it can only be defeated. Homosexuals are being killed everyday in certain parts of the world, usually without TV cameras present. This is no theoretical construct.
There is NOTHING in Christianity, or English Common Law, for that mater that calls for this. While you may run into intolerant people, ignore them, they have no power over you. No one can offend you until YOU give them that power. You need to focus on who would really do you harm. As we are on facebook, I would suggest you become a “fan” of Jihadwatch and Robert Spencer. Just read his posts for a few days and make up your own mind.
There is NOTHING in Christianity, or English Common Law, for that mater that calls for this. While you may run into intolerant people, ignore them, they have no power over you. No one can offend you until YOU give them that power. You need to focus on who would really do you harm. As we are on facebook, I would suggest you become a “fan” of Jihadwatch and Robert Spencer. Just read his posts for a few days and make up your own mind.
37 minutes ago · ·
John Sorrentino
Deb, I am not familiar with that site, you are still making assumptions but they may be correct ones.
36 minutes ago · ·
Arthur Blackwell
Thanks John , I just may go check that out ,,, But the thinking im my mind is still that Religion of all kinds is for the WEAK ,,,, WEAK people cant live without believing in somthing ,, believing that somthing is in control ,, WE are in control of OUR lives NOT some MYTHICAL being ,, (ok maybe the govt is in control) , but i thank you for not ranting and preaching , you seem like a calm level headed person ,,
21 minutes ago · ·
Peta Joy Sosnowski
Arthur, I always thought the government was a mythical being......
10 minutes ago · ·
Arthur Blackwell
hahahaa Peta your on top of things
4 minutes ago · ·