Left Untouched

For some reason or other, one evening while coming back to the house, she decided to leave her belongings in her car for just another night and remove some more clothes instead. She left all the valuable things still inside the car. We didn’t live in a high traffic area so I wasn’t too concerned. As long as the car was locked up and safe, what could go wrong? The next morning we were having coffee, watching TV while it was raining outside. The fog was so thick that you couldn’t even see the property any longer. I then noticed that it seemed as though we were in a cloud-like fog. I nudged Mad and said, “Look at that - the fog is so thick!” Then we heard my mother screaming outside, “Deb! Mad! Deb!!! Mad!!! Come out here now!!!” We rushed downstairs with our pajamas on and found Mad’s car (her dad’s car) was on fire. Mad picked up a garden hose to only find that a trickle would slowly turn into a drop. She then backed up and just stared at it. My father came out, hopped on his backhoe and began to puncture the top of the car so that it would release the air and fire trapped inside so that it wouldn’t make a huge explosion. We called the fire company and they all came rushing down the driveway to only have my dad in the way with this huge monstrosity of a machine gutting out the rest of her car and finally pulling it away from the house. The flames got bigger and the car was nothing but a charred frame on melted wheels.

Releasing Your Angels
"It’s time you begin to undo some of the things you’ve done with your words. It’s time to get your words in line with God’s word and release your angels. This prayer will begin that process:
Father, in the name of Jesus, I repent of my ignorance of the Word of God. I ask You to forgive me of the foolish things I’ve prayed.
In Jesus’ name, I bind every word that has released the devil or drawn his weapons toward me. I bind every binding force that I’ve ever given strength to by the words of my mouth. I break the power of those spiritual forces, in Jesus’ name.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to guide me in wisdom and understanding through the scriptural methods to set in motion all that’s good, pure, perfect, lovely and of good report.
I covenant with You to pray accurately. I will keep my mouth. I will speak only that which glorifies God. I will let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth, but that which is good to edify and minister grace to the hearer. I will not grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby I’m sealed to the day of redemption, but I will give glory and honor and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for all that shall be done.
I proclaim that all that is good, all that is blessed of God, all that is in the perfect will of God, all that God has designed for me shall come to me, in Jesus’ name.
All of the evil and the bad report, all that the enemy has designed to deceive me, will lead me astray, to destroy me, my home, or my finances shall be stopped with the name of Jesus and the words of my mouth.
I’m blessed in the city and blessed in the field. I’m blessed in the baskets and blessed in the store. I’m blessed coming in; I’m blessed going out. I’m the head and not the tail. I’m above and not beneath. I’m blessed of Almighty God, strengthened with the might according to Your glorious power.
The Greater one is in me; He puts me over in life. The Spirit of Truth is in me; He gives me divine wisdom, divine direction, divine understanding of every situation and every circumstance of life. I have the wisdom of God.
I thank You, Father, that I’m led by the Spirit of God. I have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God is within me.
In Jesus’ name.
Amen!" ~From the book, "Let Your Angels Work for You"
I still see Madelene every morning with this bible and reading her little prayer insert marked up with notes and other little scriptures that were jotted down from years ago. But imagine: every single thing in that car was charred up and melted down to nothing. The only thing standing out was the bible and her favorite prayer. That’s why I believe that the bible is powerful in many ways. There are stories such as bibles stopping bullets from penetrating people while having it let inside their jacket pockets. What explains every single item in that car demolished, except for this one special book?
I still see Madelene every morning with this bible and reading her little prayer insert marked up with notes and other little scriptures that were jotted down from years ago. But imagine: every single thing in that car was charred up and melted down to nothing. The only thing standing out was the bible and her favorite prayer. That’s why I believe that the bible is powerful in many ways. There are stories such as bibles stopping bullets from penetrating people while having it let inside their jacket pockets. What explains every single item in that car demolished, except for this one special book?