Life: Valuable, Precious...Short
Sometimes it's hard to just keep it together and not run outside screaming bloody murder just to get it all out. It's expected, and yet 'uncivilized'. So, we keep it under wraps. Have you ever felt like if one tiny change disrupts your life, it's the be-all end-all? When all of it finally passes, maybe weeks, months and even years later, the inner chaos withers away miraculously. I heard a phrase used by Joyce Meyer. She said, "I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be." And if you truly meditate on that one phrase, it kind of hits you like, "Wow, I made it through all that," whereas before, you thought you'd never. And of course the old saying, "If God takes you to it, He'll get you through it." I do believe that. It's easier to believe something like that before a stressful event and months after it. Strange how life works. It's hard to stay calm in the midst of chaos - to have inner peace throughout a stressful situation, no mater how short or long the length of time it is. In John 14-27 it says, "I am leaving you at peace. I am giving you my own peace. I am not giving it to you as the world gives. So don't let your hearts be troubled, and don't be afraid." I'm realizing more and more every single passing day how valuable, precious, and sadly, how short life truly is. For me, managing my anxiety is a very challenging obstacle, but being closer to God through turmoil and even through good times is my only saving grace. Just one day at a time. That's really all we can do.
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