Walking Away

When in a romantic dispute or a really bad breakup, the best thing to do (as I’ve learned) is to not respond to it at all. Now that Facebook and Twitter has all the means to really get your ex’s goat - is it really a good idea? Think about it: the more the ex takes the time out to badmouth you in any online forum, the more they are hurting over the relationship. I remember this happening a long time ago, where I saw my ex write the most awful and hurtful things about me. Every sentence, every word she typed was "Deb, Deb, Deb". It went on for a couple of years as we had no contact whatsoever. So what does that say about the situation? Who’s over who, and who's “fishing” for retaliation in any shape or form? My point is, when you respond to any insult, accusation, or just in an argument plain and simple - you are giving them ammunition, satisfaction -realization of what you truly think of them. It’s a psychological mind game. But when you walk away or don’t respond, you’ve left them in their own dust as well as possibly saving the friendship or relationship by not saying what you truly think. I’ve made plenty of mistakes of retaliating and it usually ended up with the same results: the insults that were volleyed back and forth were way too much to ever mend the friendship or relationship back together. Whether trying to salvage the relationship or to end it, sometimes, it’s just best to walk away.
"Silence is a source of great strength." ~Lao Tzu
For more of Deb's articles, please visit: www.debrapasquella.com