Occupy Wall Street Greed

Hyp-o-crite [hip-uh-krit] - “A person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions or statements belie his or her public statements.” I can’t think of a better word to describe this movement. People are saying that they have just begun. Eventually, NYC will be closing its doors because they’re driving people, businesses and all self-respect out of the Big Apple. The sad part is, on a personal note, is that I agree with their said reasonings of why they’re protesting. I disagree with the way they are protesting. The behavior, the drug use, the violence are all reasons why many potential clientele are turning onto a different street in order to go to other businesses, leaving these other poor souls who are too close to the protest to starve. OWS, aren’t you supposed to be on our side rooting and protesting for the small business owners and the people who are struggling to make ends meet? No. You are all too self-absorbed to see what’s happening right in front of your face. You’re too busy trying to film cops spraying unruly protesters, the same cops that are trying to protect our city from terrorists. You can’t see it, perhaps from all the marijuana smoke that plumes out from your crowd. Maybe you can’t hear our business owners trying to plea with you to move it along so that they can get at least two customers into their stores, but the drums you are all banging on are much too loud to even hear your own people beg. You’re too focused on the one thing that has gotten you to Occupy Wall Street: greed.
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For more of Deb's articles, please visit: www.debrapasquella.com