In May of 1994, a woman named Madelene changed my entire life. She’s unlike any other woman I have ever met. Her love is unconditional and consistent; never changing and always giving the benefit of the doubt. I’ve always wondered why she stuck around so long, and always feel grateful that she did. We pulled through many tough times, but had much more good times above all. How did I get so lucky? She’s beautiful, smart and so caring. She comes from a close-knit family, which enhanced her ability to love people for who they are and care for others in a way that most people cannot. She treats my family as if they were her own. She calls my mother, “mom” and my father “dad”. They love her. I love her.

In a peaceful town in Massachusetts, I asked her to marry me and presented beautiful matching diamond rings. She almost fainted because she never thought I would surprise her like that. It was October 10th, 2005. We’re now planning our wedding at the same place on Oct 11th of this year (since it falls on a Saturday), and I will be having my best friend Lisa and her partner Ana there, as well as our dear friend Patty & her girlfriend to witness our ceremony.

Madelene and I are signing legal papers October 11th, and they will be presented to us 3 days afterwards. I couldn’t think of someone better to spend the rest of my life with. I am madly in love with her; I love every little thing about her, from the way she lights up a room to the way she sneezes a gazillion times in one sitting. She makes me laugh and always sees the good in everyone and everything. She makes me realize that life is good. I always said to her that I truly believe God has sent His angel down to heaven to spend her life with me.
I couldn’t be happier.
And happier that my friends and family will be there to share our moment.

I love you Madelene. I give you 100% of me. I give you my love, my honor, my faithfulness, my total commitment to you for life, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer. We’ve been through a lot together and I want to take this a step further and have God bless our union. I want to share my life with you, share with friends and family, travel the world with you and give you everything you need in order for you to know how loved you are. You have my heart---always have. There’s
nobody better than you for me. We share the same views and values in life. We share the same faith and beliefs in God & the Trinity. We don’t argue over politics or religion because our views are exactly the same. I love that!
You give me the giggles when you see that I’m sad. You take care of me when I’m feeling sick or down and I do the same for you. Our time together goes by too quickly. I miss you when you’re gone for 8 hours, I always look forward to each and every night you return home. We always have such interesting conversations during dinner. It’s never boring with you. I never find myself yawning in your presence
---I’m still intrigued after all these years.

I still find you the sexiest woman on this planet! You’ve managed to always keep my eye, present yourself like a lady and keep yourself nice and healthy. It’s not just your physical beauty that I’m so attracted to---it’s your heart. I love the person inside. I will treasure you for years to come. I want to grow old with you. I can’t see it with anybody else.
You are…the love of my life. You are…the one thing I look forward to when I wake up. You are…my best friend in the whole world.
You are…simply amazing.
I love you.

And now...I wanna kiss the bride!