Is It Sinful to Love Another Sinner?
Why does my marriage affect other people's lives? "It ruins society." Really? What ruins society is ignorance. Ignorance creates a sense of hatred towards those who are different. Parents who teach their children that being gay, lesbian or transgender is wrong and that they'll go to hell for it -- that alone ruins society because whether you know this or not -- this creates bullies. Your children will bully other children who are "doomed to hell" by the parents. Teach your children and they'll run with it most of the time. Hopefully not, but usually and sadly the case. The same lady who said I was ruining society also said that if her daughter was gay, she would not allow her partner to walk into her house. OK, that's her choice. But think about this: she will never have a strong bond with her daughter because she rejected the one person she loves. Jesus accepted everyone and showed compassionate and unconditional love. Many Christians fail to follow in Jesus' footsteps and to love one another unconditionally.
Is it a sinful to love another sinner?
Didn't Jesus love His sinners? He did so much that He gave up His only life. So I'd venture to say, YES.
Anyway, this is my first post in about three weeks. I'm still recovering from surgery, but doing really well. I had a few complications that sent me right back into the hospital that are now resolved thankfully. So today is my first day back working and I am thrilled to live a new life with less pain. I just want to thank all of you who have supported me and checked up on me while I was convalescing. It's going to be a new and different journey for me and I'm so looking forward to living my life with less fear. Please make sure that if you are on Twitter, to follow me if you can. Because if I don't blog one day, I am now broadcasting live on Periscope. So just click here and I will see you on the dark side!
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